I received this comic collection from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
I was so excited for this one. The art looked amazing, and I just adore Nancy Drew. I was excited about the story, what kind Nancy would we get this time (which is always a question I ask when I start a new incarnation of the famous girl detective), what kind of adventures and mysteries would come our way?
When we first meet this Nancy she is hauling a goat with her, apparently for a case. It had me in stitches to see her try to guide that goat to the right places, and ending up with swimming in the lake. I loved the look of this Nancy, she seems as tough as the original, and just as much fun. Then we meet her friends and I was severely confused, who are these people? Where is my Bess? Where is George? Hello! Did you ditch your friends/family? Thankfully, we quickly get an answer when Nancy receives a threat message and heads to Bayport (apparently she wasn’t even living there any more, OMG, I need details).
Bess is delighted to see her, but George? George isn’t that happy with Nancy. Apparently Nancy moved years ago and they totally lost contact. I agree with Nancy, but if I hear George/Bess talk it seems like you, Nancy, also didn’t do the communication thing correctly.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG fangirls The Hardy Boys are in this one!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOEEEEEEEE!!!! FRANKKKKKKKKKK!! And they looking fricking adorable and awesome in this art style. heart eyes Joe is exactly how I expect him to be, and Frank, Frank is still the smart one of the brothers. :P
Things get really exciting when THAT happens to Nancy, and then we got a nice flashback to what happened 7 years ago (so right around the time Nancy moved away). Which I loved, but also made me feel unhappy because I wanted to know if Nancy ended up all right. I am guessing yes, given that this story is all about her and we are still 100 pages from the ending. ;P But still!
OK, holy crap at that flash back. Poor Nancy, I can imagine why she moved, and why she probably forgot to communicate so much with her friends.
Haha, Nancy please. Your friends are passed out, you are down in a cave, and all you can do is focus on the handsome stranger in front of you. :P Oh Nancy. I was at first not too happy that she went with that guy, but I guess it is also typical Nancy especially since she knows what she is doing.
Though I did wish she would have told her friends/family where she was going. They know about the threat letter, they were there when things went dangerous, and yet you don’t let them know anything? That is not how things work.
We do find out why that person send that letter, and I am happy that Nancy was able to forgive them and also wanted to help them out.
EEP, I was just so delighted with the Bess and Joe romance. It made me delighted. Also I loved George and her girlfriend. <3 Oh, and I can’t forget Nancy and Pete, I was definitely hoping they would get together. :)
The story got more and more exciting with each new issue and I just had to continue reading as I wanted to know more of what was going on.
OMG, that ending! No, I thought this was a pretty much stand-alone bundled part with the whole story included, but that ending. That cliffhanger! Arghhh. I was already planning on checking out the rest should there be more, but now I definitely need to get my hands on it.
I adored the art in this story, it was just a style that fitted Nancy perfectly. I loved seeing all my favourite characters in this amazing style.
There was one little thing, but that doesn’t have anything to do with the book per se, but more with Netgalley. It was at times quite hard to read. It didn’t help the pages were a bit blurry which made it even harder. I do want to mention this, as it is part of my reading experience.
All in all, I had so much fun reading this one, it was exciting, mysterious, it had romance and friendship, the Hardy Boys were there, and I would recommend it to all.
Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/