It has been a good week for me. A Chris Riddell week.I read Fortunately, the milk... with illustrations by Chris Riddell, and now I read his latest book (100% Riddell) named Goth Girl and the Ghost of a mouse.
I can say I absolutely adored and loved the book. The cover and the pages were beautiful, I love the little skulls adoring the inner pages before you start the book, and if you close the book the pages are purple and shiny. Totally awesome.
Before I start with saying what I thought of the story however, let me mention this little titbit I found while reading. There are 2 parts in the book that mention our lovely main character's eyes. In both sentences the eye colour is said to be green. If you check the cover and the backside of the book however, you will see they are blue. Nothing big, but interesting. :)
Now for the story, ah such a wonderful story. And so many details, so many magical creatures (monsters, harpies and more!), so many fun things. But also sad things. Ada who lost her mom, her father who is still full of grief and avoids Ada.
There are also villains, governesses and a secret club meeting in the attic!
It was really fun to read this book, Chris Riddell's illustrations just completed, complimented and made the story even better.
Also I loved the little book about the mouse and his journey/adventure. :)
Ada was a really lovely and likeable character and I can assure you, you will enjoy her adventures, cheer for her and help her with sleuthing!
I really hope that Chris Riddell will continue with another book about Ada!