Keeping the Moon - Sarah Dessen
My fourth Sarah Dessen book for my summer challenge, and I can say this: I love it! I have bought it for my collection (hopefully that one will have grown quite a bit when summer is over).

I loved the main character, at times I wish should have more confidence (we often hear she is pretty), but luckily that is what the book is about. Her gaining confidence and her getting new friends who can help out.
Of course like all Sarah Dessen books there is a love interest, even 2 interests (I am still curious as to what happened to that other guy). We can of course easily see who she will pick. And yes, that is a bit predictable, but I don't mind it this time.
I loved how she transformed. From grumpy (trying to), having black hair/ring through her lip, to a happy girl who enjoys her life.
It was wonderful to see her finally talk back (to various people).

Isabel, Morgan and Norman and also Mira, are great characters and they really bring life and colour in the book. Every one of these characters has problems and they try to solve them or fix them.

The only thing that was a shame (though in the end I didn't feel like that anymore) was that this book was so short. Most Sarah Dessen books are around 300+ to 400+ pages, this one was just over 200 pages. In the end it didn't matter (I was worried it might be rushed), because everything was solved, fixed and done by page 200+.

Review first posted at