Secrets & Lies: Two Short Stories - Kody Keplinger
Wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but the blurb sounded awesome, so I tried it out. I only read one of her books, tried 1 or 2 others (but didn't like them).

There is two short stories.

The first is: Abbreviations & Alliterations. I would rate this story 4 stars out of 5.

The story was good, but I didn't like the main girl that much. I mean, girl code this, girl code that. Really? Sure I heard about the code and that you shouldn't date your friends exes. But hello? She only dated him like a week and ditched him. Also you could have just told her, I am sure she was ok with it. But luckily she changes and everything turns out alright. I loved the little Abbreviations she made, and how she denied saying them a lot.

The second story is: People Worth Knowing. I would rate this story 5 stars out of 5.

It was a little story about bullying and friendship. I really liked the story. Bailey was a good, strong character, and I can imagine how she feels when she has to do the good thing, but is afraid of the consequences. Luckily she has a good family, who helped her out. Though a bit contradicting, I hated both the bully and the one who got bullied. Bailey even went to apologize to the girl, and what did she get? A whole rant and no thanks. :

In overall I would recommend this to everyone.