What Happened to Goodbye - Sarah Dessen
My Summer Challenge this year (well it is my first one), is to read all Sarah Dessen books. I will be reading one Sarah Dessen book every week and hope that by the end of Summer I will be up to date with them all. :)

A standard pattern I have noticed in the books (I have read 3 now) is that they all start of slow, pick up speed after 3 chapters and then it mostly a rollercoaster ride of emotions and awesomeness.

I really love that everything in the end revolves around Colby and the neighbouring towns/cities. There are also various characters that pop up that are also from other books. Now that I have read a few, I recognize characters and it makes me happy to see that they still get a chance to say hi. :)

Our main character this time is a girl who is troubled because of the divorce of her parents. She travels with her dad (who has to travel for her work) and she makes up personalities for every town, but with the new one she decides to go with her real name.

There is a lot of things that happen, we got romance, friendship, finding yourself, parents, work and so much more. It was truly amazing to read this one.

I loved Mclean, though her name was just weird, and I kept reading it as Mcclean. I love how she starts off unsure about things, wondering if she should make a new personality, but soon settling down, making new friends, finding someone she loves. Of course her life isn't easy (this is a Sarah Dessen book after all), her mom cheated on her dad and they divorced. Mclean never really forgave her mom and she has a lot of arguments and discussions with her mom.
I recognized a lot in Mclean, especially in her mom part and how her mom wanted constant contact, constant attention and would go in a rage mode if Mclean wasn't fast enough with replying or mailing or calling.

The ending to this book? Wonderful, I am so happy for Mclean, that this solution was possible.

I have bought the book since I really loved this one and it deserves to be in my collection.

I would recommend this book to everyone who needs a nice contemporary book.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/